Its shocking conclusion in Cocaine Bear will make you scream in shock

Hello, gentlemen and girls get your seatbelts on and anticipate a rollercoaster of incredibleness! "Cocaine Bear" is an epic ride that is enjoyable in many way than just one. The film takes an "bear-y" true story and transforms it into a shocking horror comedy that is sure to be sure to make you scratch at your brain, and considering the choices ma

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Comics and Sci-Fi Blogs for Film Lovers

See the collective efforts that make stories come to life on the silver screens with this view into movie reviews that celebrate the art, ingenuity, and craftsmanship involved in the making (blog post) of each film.Movie MusingsMovie Reviews Archive 3Reigo King of the Sea Monsters Movie ReviewKilljoy 2Nature Unleashed: VolcanoSaban's Power Rangers

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Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Movie Review

Why am I doing this? Everyone already knows I'm not a huge Power Rangers fan, I don't really get something out of hating the Power Rangers, so why, Creepy? Why do you torment me with these crossovers? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! Because (blog) I certainly wasn't.Source: Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Halloween Movie Review

The "original slasher movie" Halloween was made for the low low price of just $300,000 way back in 1978. It introduced the world to Michael Myers, and gave a movie series that has continued to this day. You know, (blog post) if you wave away the fact (blog) that the 2018 movie is going to ignore the events of almost the entire franchise.. except

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Top 10 Rambo Kills Movie Review

Geez, it feels like it's been YEARS since my last Top 10 list... oh, wait. Point is, this time we're looking at the epic hero of awesomeness responsible for some of the most deaths per minute on film! It wasn't easy picking the best 10.. so I disqualified most of (blog) them for arbitrary reasons. Enjoy!Source: Top 10 Rambo Kills Movie Review - D

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